
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tula through the ages

Well, Tula turned one a couple of months ago and I just had to post some before and after picture, along with some funny ones in between. She is a sweetheart and we love her to death, except when she gets in the trash. :)

Here she is after we just got her - like a fluff pup.
(For those of you who remember that brand of stuffed dog!)

Here Tula after getting groomed for the first time. Daniel freaked me out saying that she had ran away and he was out looking for her. He had really just gone to go pick her up. Not nice! But she did look adorable!

Here's Tula and her first, well, period. We got her some "doggy" diapers. They have a hole for the tail to go through. It was so funny watching her walk with them on. I love the look on her face, "Are you kidding me???"

We have these pillows the dogs use for beds. We just moved them into our room and had not put them down yet. However, Tula was not going to wait, as you can see in the photo.
Still, if we could all be as comfy as she is, then life would be good.

This is the latest picture I have of her. She cracks me up just chillin on the ground and the way she puts her feet up on the water cooler. She does this all the time now.
I love dogs - they are so funny.


Jessie said...

awww! i love the sleeping in her bed pic, even though it wasn't set up yet. :)

are you still going to breed her?

Jessie said...

paul says, what about toby through the ages???!!!! he's like the forgotten dog now! :(