
Monday, January 10, 2011

It's a....

We went to the doctor's office the 23rd of December and had the ultrasound that was supposed to let us know whether we are having a boy or a girl.

(Daniel and I in the waiting room)

Well, the baby didn't cooperate as well as we were hoping. The umbilical cord was right between the legs. The doctor kept wiggling the device around, trying to move the cord or the baby. Finally, after tipping me back on the table, he was able to get a more accurate reading. He said, "I think I got it now." I asked, "How sure are you?" "Hmmm.... about 98%."

(Ultrasound of the baby showing her fist)

We had him put the baby name in an envelop we had prepared to be opened on Christmas.
Christmas eve - or at 12:01 am on Christmas morning -
we opened the card.

The anticipation was killing us!

We were so excited to see that our little girl Vivianni will be joining us in just a few months!

So exciting!


Jessie said...

i KNEW it!!!! congrats guys! :) i am SO SO SO excited for you!

Silvia and Steven said...

how exciting and such a great idea!! Love it!! Yay a girl!! Hope you are feeling well. And as always you look beautiful!

Josiane said...

Parabéns pela pequena Vivianni, fico muito feliz por vocês!!!
Minha Melissa nasceu dia 08/01 ela pesou 2680 kg, é pequena tão delicada!!!!! Vou enviar fotos pra vocês, desculpa a demora mas com 3 crianças pequenas estou meio que sem tempo, rsrsrsrsrs.

Courtney said...

Congrats!! That is so exciting. We are expecting a little girls as well right around the same time.