
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Garden Update

We've been having a great time with our garden. Daniel and our friend Chris built a composter (photo included). Pretty cool stuff! We're growing all kinds of goodies. We are really excited. So far, no major setbacks (besides the dogs - notice the fence?). We still have room to plant some more stuff... any suggestions???


Tiffany said...

I'm so jealous! You should definitely grow some watermelon...mmmm, and then I'll help you eat it this summer!

Alternative to NSAIDS said...

Hello, we met at Chef Brad's garden party. I enjoyed touring the garden with you and your husband. Thanks for sharing your blog, it is very nicely done. I am impressed with your garden set up and your water harvester. Are there any instructions on your blog on how to make one? You should check out the website,
It is a proven garden model that uses 50%less water and has consistent results in any climate and in any soil. Take care and maybe I will see you at his next party. Liezl